Texto em English

The Registration Data and any other information, directly or indirectly, to a specific user, is collected and used in accordance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 ( "Code concerning the protection of personal data") and Privacy Policy of Heraldrys, always available at the
According to the purposes of Article 13 of the Code on Personal Data Protection Heraldrys announced that:

1. The Registration Data provided by Users are collected and used by Heraldrys, including instruments and systems, for the following purposes: (i) aims directly connected to the equipment and management of the Service, in accordance with these TOS, ( ii) market statistical purposes, and, having received the consent to us: (iii) commercial information, marketing and market research, sending of advertising material for products and services Heraldrys Italy advertisers or third-party advertising, (iv) recognition of the quality of services and degree of satisfaction of users, carried out either directly or through the collaboration of specialized companies. In view of Heraldrys of belonging to an international group, and for reasons linked to the central group-level activities and / or instrumental to the management of the Service, some personal data may be stored in electronic media at other group companies Heraldrys for the same purpose. In addition, make Heraldrys, having received the consent by you, an automatic monitoring of your profile navigation through the use of cookies and other technologies, in order: a) improve the quality of services as needed known by the user in general, b) to identify services and business information to more members preferences and cut on personal tastes of each user, c) to prevent users the indiscriminate display of advertisements for products and / or services unrelated to their interests personal.

2.The conferment of data is optional. Though not providing, even partial, of the data is specifically mentioned as necessary for the purposes referred to in paragraph 1, lett. (i) the inability to determine Heraldrys to proceed to the Service. The non-submittal of the data is not expressly indicated as necessary for the purpose referred to in paragraph 1, lett. (i) will not determine the Service. The provision of consent to the collection of personal data relating to navigation, effected through the use of cookies or other technologies, is free and optional. However, its lack of this party, it is impossible to determine Heraldrys to proceed to the services for which registration is required.

3. Some data may be communicated by Heraldrys, for all purposes listed in paragraph 1 to other group companies or third parties Heraldrys, responsible for carrying out activities directly related and instrumental to the development and distribution of services and - with the consent User - a third-party companies that offer goods and services on the Internet, with Heraldrys which has entered into commercial agreements or partnerships designed to facilitate the dissemination and distribution of the Service or to provide new services. Events or special events such as contests or prize operations, some personal information which has acceded to these events will be disseminated through publication on the websites Heraldrys. In view of Heraldrys of belonging to an international group, and organizational requirements related to the central group-level activities and / or instrumental to the management of the Service, some personal information of Users will be made available abroad, in countries belonging to the European Union and, in particular in Great Britain and the United States of America. Target Communications and transfers will work on group Heraldrys, which use the data for the same purpose for which Heraldrys has collected such data.

4. Holder of the treatment is Heraldrys Institute c/o Santacroce via Cinquevie 45 - 58018 - Pieve a Nievole (PT) Italia. The full list of those responsible for treatment and the third party owner of treatments related to the self offered by Heraldrys can be known easily and for free to ask direct Heraldrys, the data processor.

5. Article 7 of the Code on Personal Data Protection provides you with the ability to exercise certain rights, including those obtained by the Holder of the treatment confirmation of the existence of their personal data and their availability in an intelligible form, to have knowledge of data, and the logic and purposes upon which the treatment, to obtain cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data treated in violation of the law, and l ' updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of data, to oppose the treatment, for legitimate reasons, or to challenge, at all times, the treatments aimed at marketing to the commercial information [the text of art. 7 states: ... the processing of data relating to him for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research]. To enforce these rights, you may write directly to Heraldrys.

5.A - Genalogical informations

When a User and/or Customer submits personal data, such as genalogical informations, to be included in heraldic research, he also authorizes us to publish it on the website, the User and or Customer assumes all the responsibility for any consequences or rewards resulting from the publication of the same. To request the deletion of the published data, it is sufficient to contact customer support who will comply with the requirements. We strongly reccomend to do not ask the publication of recent genealogical data in the heraldic search.