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Last name: Dalla Pasqua

Dossier: 880498
Type:Heraldic Traces
The Heraldic Traces are dossiers made by an A.I. useful as a starting point for researchers and passionate heraldists and confirm that there is information to work on and it is possible to order a heraldic document.
  • When you buy a heraldic document a new accurate analysis of the heraldic research will be performed by an expert heraldist and the document will be written in Italian or English.
  • The coat of arms will be checked and, if necessary, redesigned in strict compliance with the heraldic rules by our experts.
Language of the text: Italiano
Nobility: Baroni - Marchesi - Nobili
Nobles in:Italia
The country or region of the dossier mainly refers to the places where the family was ascribed to the nobility and may be different from those of residence

Heraldic Traces :
Dalla Pasqua

Nobility crown Dalla PasquaQuesto nobile ed illustre Casato, trae le sue origini da un giovane e nobile guerriero Aragonese, venuto alla Corte di Guaimano IV Principe di Salerno, verso l'anno 1032 al seguito del Generale Vera o Verità. Il suo nome era Perez o Peres, veniva dalla Contea di Aragona e, come tutti i figli cadetti delle nobili Casate, era dedito all'arte delle armi. Per dissapori con il Principe Longobardo verso l'anno 1037, Perez lascia Salerno per trasferirsi in Friuli. In Friuli egli sposò una giovane donna del nobile Casato Petris, da questa unione nacquero alcuni figli dei quali si conoscono i nomi di Domingo, Zani e Raffael. I Dalla Pasqua discendono da Zani ossia Giovanni, o meglio da un figlio di Giovanni, nato verso il 1080 che ebbe nome di Pasqual e distinto come Pasquali de Zani. Da Pasqual de Zani, nacque Domingo o Domenico e da questo verso il 1160 nacque Filippo, appellato come Filippo de Pasqual poi tramutato in Pascu in Pascullo e in Dalla Pasqua. I vari rami di questo ceppo si propagarono in varie regioni dell'Italia e ...

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  • This text is a short heraldic preview
  • When you buy a heraldic document a new accurate analysis of the heraldic research will be performed by an expert heraldist and the document will be written in Italian or English.
  • The coat of arms will be checked and, if necessary, redesigned in strict compliance with the heraldic rules by our experts.

Blazon Dalla Pasqua

Crest of family Dalla Pasqua

Crest of family
Language of the text: Italiano

Partito di rosso e d'argento, col capo d'oro, all'aquila nascente di nero e rostrata del campo.

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  1. The Heraldic Traces are dossiers made by an A.I. useful as a starting point for researchers and passionate heraldists and confirm that there is information to work on and it is possible to order a heraldic document.
  2. Variations of surnames are frequent and mainly derive from involuntary acts such as translation errors or dialectal inflections or from voluntary acts such as attempts to escape persecution or acquisition of titles and properties of other families
  3. All content on this page is distributed under license Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 Unported .