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Last name: Paglietti

Dossier: 2855
Type:Heraldic dossiers
  • When you buy a heraldic document a new accurate analysis of the heraldic research will be performed by an expert heraldist and the document will be written in Italian or English.
  • The coat of arms will be checked and, if necessary, redesigned in strict compliance with the heraldic rules by our experts.
Language of the text: Italiano
Nobility: Nobili - Cavalieri
Nobles in:Italia (Piemonte - Sardegna)
The country or region of the dossier mainly refers to the places where the family was ascribed to the nobility and may be different from those of residence

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Nobility crown PagliettiDie Familie Paglietti, adeliger Abstammung und antiken Turiner Ursprungs, hat sich im Laufe der Jahrhunderte durch ihre herausragenden Tugenden und durch die im Dienst des Staates und der Krone erworbenen Verdienste ausgezeichnet. Unter ihren berühmten Mitgliedern sticht die Figur von Giacomo Giuseppe Paglietti hervor, einem angesehenen Doktor der Medizin, dessen Ruhm ihn zu einer der bedeutendsten Koryphäen seiner Zeit machte. Mit unermüdlichem Eifer und außergewöhnlichem Können hatte er den Lehrstuhl eines Professors an der Königlichen Universität von Cagliari inne und trug mit seinem Wissen zum Fortschritt der medizinischen Wissenschaften bei. Sein Ruf und seine Verdienste führten dazu, dass er schließlich die angesehene Position des Chefarztes im Königreich und auf der Insel Sardinien erlangte, eine Position von größter Bedeutung und Ehre. Nicht weniger berühmt war sein Sohn Carlo Paglietti, der in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters trat und sich auf dem Weg der Exzellenz mit Leidenschaft dem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften widmete. Arzt in ... ...

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  • This text is an automatic translation of a short heraldic preview, it may contain errors.
  • When you buy a heraldic document a new accurate analysis of the heraldic research will be performed by an expert heraldist and the document will be written in Italian or English.
  • The coat of arms will be checked and, if necessary, redesigned in strict compliance with the heraldic rules by our experts.

Blazon Paglietti

Crest of family Paglietti

1. Crest of family: Paglietti
Language of the text: Italiano

Troncato: nel primo d'azzurro a tre spighe d'oro ordinate in fascia; nel secondo fasciato d'argento e di rosso di sei pezzi.

Blasone della famiglia Paglietti. Fonte bibliografica: "Enciclopedia Storico-Nobiliare Italiana di V. Spreti".

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Crest of family Paglietti

2. Crest of family: Paglietti
Language of the text: Italiano

Troncato: nel primo d'azzurro a tre spighe d'oro ordinate in fascia; nel secondo fasciato d'argento e di rosso di sei pezzi.

Blasone della famiglia Paglietti. Fonte bibliografica: "Enciclopedia Storico-Nobiliare Italiana di V. Spreti".

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  1. The Heraldic Traces are dossiers made by an A.I. useful as a starting point for researchers and passionate heraldists and confirm that there is information to work on and it is possible to order a heraldic document.
  2. Variations of surnames are frequent and mainly derive from involuntary acts such as translation errors or dialectal inflections or from voluntary acts such as attempts to escape persecution or acquisition of titles and properties of other families
  3. All content on this page is distributed under license Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 Unported .