Fior is typical of the Veneto, Friuli region, with good presence in the Vicenza and Venice areas, but above all in the Paduan, Treviso, Pordenone and Udine areas, Fiore is decidedly Panitalian, Fioretti is widespread throughout Italy, with important nuclei in Campania, Puglie, Marche, Umbria, Lazio and Tuscany, Flowers throughout central and northern Sardinia, Fioroni is well present in Lombardy, especially in the north, in the Reggio area, and in the area that includes Aretino, Perugia, Rieti and Roman , Fiorio has a lineage between Verona and Vicenza, with presences also in the lower Trentino, has a secondary stock in the Latin dialect, but always of Venetian origin and has a stock in the Turin area. All these surnames should derive, directly or through hypochoristic or accretive, from the Latin cognomen Florens or from the nomen Florius or from the medieval Fiore or also from the many toponyms or contrada names containing the flower root like San Giovanni in Fiore, Santa Maria del Fiore or similar,
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