Lori has a lineage between Parma, Carrara, La Spezia and Genoa, one of Pistoia and Florence, one of the Marche, one in the Terni and Grosseto areas and one in the Roman area, Lorini has a Lombard lineage in the Brescia area, in Chiari, Brescia, Coccaglio, Castelcovati, Rudiano , Cologne and Ospitaletto, has some presence in Veneto, a stock in Tuscany, in Florence in Florence, Certaldo, Borgo San Lorenzo and Impruneta, in Poggibonsi in the Siena area, in Loro Ciuffenna in the Arezzo area and in Pisa, and a strain in the frusinate Castelliri, Cassino and Roccasecca, and in Rome, Lorino has a Roman stock and a Sicilian one in Bisacquino and Palermo in the Palermo area and in Messina, Loro is typically Venetian, in particular of the Verona area, near Vicenza, Treviso and Padua, with a small stock also in the 'Avellino, should derive, directly or through hypocoristic, from the medieval name Lorus of which we have an example in a document of 1357 in Genoa: "In nomine Domini. Amen. Magniflcus et potens dominis dominus Simon Boccanigra ia dux Januensium et popull defensor, et consilium duodecim antionorum comunis Janue, in quo interfuit legitimus et sufficiens numerus ipsorum consiliarorum et erum qui interfuerunt appoint sunt haec. Nicolaus de Caneto prior, D. Riccardus de Pessina legum doctor, Thomas de Levanto, Lorus Morbiolus, Antonius Senestrarius, Dominicus Pezonus, ... ".
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