Lucarelli is widespread throughout the center, in Molise, Campania, Puglia and Basilicata, Lucarello is practically unique, Lucarini is typical of the Marche, Umbria and Lazio and upper Tuscany, with a strain also in the Genoese, Lucarino, extremely rare, would seem to an area between Isernia and Lazio, Luccarelli is decidedly Apulian, from the Taranto area, from Crispiano, Massafra, Grottaglie, Taranto and Statte, with a tiny collection in the Cosenza area and one in Acireale in the Catania area, Luccarini is typical of the area that includes Bologna, Modena and the Lucca area, with presences also in the Pesaro and Ancona areas and in the Roman area, should all derive from hypocoristic forms of the medieval name Luca, in turn derived from the Greek Lukas. Traces of these surnames can be found, for example, in Trevi in Perugia in 1400 with the master typographer Costantino di ser Giovanni Lucarini, and in Perugia, where a Cesar Lucarinus is mentioned in the list of scholars of the local university of the year 1559.
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