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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Luccini has a small Lombard lineage in the Cremona area of Cremona and Castelleone, and a lineage between La Spezia and Massese, in Licciana Nardi in the Massese in particular, a hypothesis proposes a French origin from the medieval village of Luccinus, the current Lucenay nearby of Lyon, but the most probable thing is that it may be a derivation from a hypocoristic form of the late medieval name Lucinus, of which we have an example of use in the deeds of a criminal trial of 1630 held in Milan against a supposed antor: " .. Et cum coram dicto D. Præside, et Fis. Torniello fuisset ductus dictus Lucinus, negavit ipse Lucinus his iuramento noscere dictum Plateam, here Platea dixit, I know you well, because you thirst that you paid me the money on behalf of Mr. Gerolamo Turcone, and as a sign your habitation is almost against the house of said Turcone, and by sign I was still taken to your house by the young man of the Turcons, and you paid me the money, which I placed in my household. . ".

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Cavalieri - Conti - Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

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