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Crest of family Baldacci Nobles: Italia (Italia)
Nobility: Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

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Crest of family Baldacci Nobles: France (Velay)
Nobility: Famille Noble - Chevaliers - Seigneurs
Language of the text: Français

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ref: 16037

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Di..., alla torre di..., sormontata da una stella a otto punte di....

ref: 5371

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Partito: nel primo d'oro alla torre di rosso, uscente dalla punta dello scudo e sostenente un'aquila di nero; nel secondo d'azzurro allo scaglione sormontato da tre stelle di sei raggi male ordinate, il tutto d'oro, accompagnato in punta da una fiamma al naturale.

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Baldacci is very widespread in the area that includes Lucca, Pisa, Livorno, Pistoia, Florence, Forlì and Cesena and Rimini, with a stock also in Perugia and Rome, Baldan is of Venetian origin where concentration is maximum even if there are substantial nuclei also in Lombardy and Piedmont, Baldani, uncommon, has a nucleus in Romagna and a small stock in the Verona area, which should have originated from a transcription error of the surname Baldan, Baldazzi has the highest concentration in Emilia and Romagna, Baldecchi is typically Tuscan, of Marliana, Montecatini Terme, Pieve a Nievole and Pistoia in the Pistoia area, of Pian di Sco nell'aretino and of Florence, Baldelli has a stock in the Bergamo area, one in the Modena area and the nucleus between Romagna, Marche , Umbria and Lazio, Baldeschi is typically Tuscan, from Livorno and Pisa in particular, Baldi is practically widespread throughout the national territory, Baldin is typical of the Veneto and Friuli, Baldini is widespread throughout the centronord, Baldino has stocks in the Sassari area in Alghero mainly, in Rome, in Naples and Benevento, but above all in the Cosenza area, Baldinu is specific to Sassari, Alghero, Villanova Monteleone and Ittiri, Baldinucci has a stock in Gubbio in the Perugian and one in Naples and Afragola in the Neapolitan dialect, Baldo is widespread throughout the north, but above all in the Veneto region, although there are traces even between Rome and Latina, in the Salerno area and in Vibo Valentia, Baldone, very very rare, would seem Sicilian, Baldoni is very widespread in the area that includes Emilia and Romagna, Marche, Umbria and the province of Rome, they should derive, directly or through various types of hypocoristic forms, also composite, or accretive, from the name of Lombard origin Baldus, or even from various modifications or hypocorisms of the apheresis of medieval names of Germanic origin such as Ubaldo or Teobaldo or other names composed with the medieval Germanic word bald (baldo, corag gioso), an example of this use we have in Vercelli in an act of 1397: "... Ego Baldinus de Trasis de Conflentia civis Vercellensis, filius quondam Gratiani de Trasis, publicus imperiali auctoritate notarius ...". additions provided by Giovanni Vezzelli BALDINI - As well as Baldus, this surname may also be traced back to the personal (Ri) baldinus, documented in Modena from 1176 and motivated by Ribaldus, alive in Modena from 1125, by the Lombard personnel Rîdbald. Source: F. Violi, Surnames in Modena and in the Modena area.

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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