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Baradel is specific to Venice and the Venetian, Baradello, very very rare, has a small stock in the Treviso area in Salgareda and one in the Udine area, in particular in Ronchis, Baratella is specific to the Veneto area, the Venetian area, the Paduan area and especially the Rovigo area. of the neighboring Ferrara, with presences also in the Roman and Latin dialects, consequent to the forced migration of Venetians on the occasion of the reclamation of the Pontine marshes, Baratelli would seem typically Lombard, quite rare, specific to the Varese area, with stocks also in Milan, Bergamo and Genoa. , Baratta is absolutely panitalian, Barattelli has a stock in L'Aquila and one in Rome, Baratti has a large stock in Lombardy, particularly in the Brescia area, but it also has stocks in eastern Piedmont, Bologna, Florence and Rome, Barattin , decidedly Venetian, especially from Belluno, but also rooted in the Treviso and Treviso areas, Barattini has a strain in the Liguria of Levante, Carrarese and Lucca and one t In the Modenese and Bolognese areas, Barattino is typical of the area that includes the Vercelli, Alexandrian and Genoese areas. Baratto has a nucleus in the Veneto region with important strains also in the Neapolitan and the Taranto areas, all these surnames should derive from the activity of barter or of merchants carried out by the founders. We find traces of these surnames in Brescia in a Carta Venditionis of 1188: "... Preterea Graciadeus Baratellus, patruus iamdicti Petri, promissit prefato, stipulating abbots, and sub pena dupli dampni quod and the accideret, quod faciet perpetual predictam vendicionem ratam habere Agnetem sororem ipsius Petri ... "and later in the Trial of the anointers done in Milan year pestis 1630 we read:" ... Franciscus Baratellus Causidicus ex officio vocatus his iuramento dicit: "that there were no walls of this town's houses fitting, because I saw the fire given to them, but of the precise time I do not see it, and I particularly see them in all the parochia of St. Paul, and in many other places ... ".

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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