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Crest of family Galgano Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

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Galgana o Gargaro
ref: 13951

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D'azzurro, con una banda accompagnata in capo da due stelle ed in punta da una branca di leone recisa e posta in fascia, il tutto d'oro.

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Galgani is typically Tuscan, where it is very widespread, but it also includes the Eagle and in Rome, Galgano is specific to the area that includes Irpinia and Potentino, Gargani has a strain between Florentine and Pisan and one from Lazio, especially in Rome. Roman and Rieti and frusinate, Gargano is instead widespread throughout southern Italy, may derive from the Gargano region, a promontory of the Foggia area, or even, and it is more likely, from the medieval name Garganus, of Celtic origins from the Celtic divinity Gargan father of Belenon the Celtic god of light, or from Galganus, we remember St. Galgano beatified in the year 1180, a saint who became famous throughout the world and is still remembered today for the alleged miracle of the sword stuck in the rock preserved in the little church of San Galgano in Montassiepi; in a paper of 1165 we read: "Galganus Vulterranensis episcopus consensu canoncorum se obligavit Sylvester abbas St. Marie de Serena if not edificaturum ecclesiam in castro burgo de Cluslino nec litem facturum de ecclesiam S. Iacobi et S. Martini iuxta muros de Cluslino. ". additions provided by Fabio Galgani Galgani is a Tuscan surname borrowed exclusively from the cult for San Galgano Guidotti, a hermit and Cistercian monk of Chiusdino (Siena), who lived in the 12th century, to whom is dedicated the abbey of San Galgano near Chiusdino. The etymology of the surname, according to recent studies based on the apocalyptic prophecies of Gioacchino da Fiore (1138-1202), leads to the ancient paleonym that belonged to the biblical locality of Gàlaad (area east of the Jordan river occupied by the tribes of Ruben and Gad), also a masculine personal name, from which the family of the Gileadites originated. The name Galaad also belonged to the virgin knight, son of Lancelot (Arthurian cycle), a model of purity, which represents the cavalry inspired by total spirituality. (excerpt from the book by Fabio Galgani Onomastica Maremmana, published by Centro Studi Storici, 2000.- pages 602. Supplements provided by Giovanni Vezzelli Galgano is a Lucanian surname present in Ferrandina, Migliónico, Trivigno and elsewhere; it should derive from the name of Gallicano a common in Lazio Source: G. Rohlfs, Dictionary of historical surnames in Lucania, 1985.

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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