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Lorenzo Seu Di Lorenzo
Variations Last name: de Lorenzo - di Lorenzo
Crest of family Lorenzo Seu Di Lorenzo Nobles: Italia (Veneto - Sicilia)
Nobility: Principi - Marchesi - Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

Di Lorenzo
Variations Last name: Lorenzo
Crest of family Di Lorenzo Nobles: Italia - Inghilterra (Regno Di Sicilia)
Nobility: Marchesi - Baroni - Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

San Lorenzo
Crest of family San Lorenzo Nobles: España
Nobility: Señores - Caballeros - Familia Noble
Language of the text: Español

Crest of family Lorenzo Nobles: España (Galicia Y Asturias)
Nobility: Señores - Caballeros - Familia Noble
Language of the text: Español

Variations Last name: di Lorenzo
Crest of family Lorenzo Nobles: Italia (Regno Di Sicilia)
Nobility: Marchesi - Baroni - Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

Lorenzo De Castro
Crest of family Lorenzo De Castro Nobles: España (Galicia)
Nobility: Señores - Caballeros - Familia Noble
Language of the text: Español

Crest of family Lorenzo-Cáceres Nobles: España (Canarias)
Nobility: Señores - Caballeros - Familia Noble
Language of the text: Español

Hernández De Lorenzo
Crest of family Hernández De Lorenzo Nobles: España (Soria)
Nobility: Señores - Caballeros - Familia Noble
Language of the text: Español

Variations Last name: Bernardino il Mancino - Mancini del Lion Rosso - Mancini di Lorenzo - Mancino
Crest of family Mancini Nobles: Italia - Francia (Lombardia - Toscana - Marche - Umbria - Lazio - Campania - Sicilia)
Nobility: Nobili - Duchi - Principi- Patrizi - Baroni - Conti - Visconti - Marchesi - Cavalieri
Language of the text: Italiano

Heraldic Traces


A Heraldic Traces is a dossier prepared by an artificial intelligence program useful as a starting point for researchers and passionate heraldists. The presence of a Heraldic Traces indicates that there is information to draft a heraldic document after carrying out a professional thorough search.

De Lorenzo
Crest of family De Lorenzo Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Marchesi - Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

De Lorenzo Gardinal
Crest of family De Lorenzo Gardinal Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Marchesi - Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

Crest of family

ref: 1308

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Di rosso, al capitozzo nodrito sulla pianura erbosa al naturale, sormontato da una stella d'oro e trapassato nel tronco da una spada d'argento guarnita d'oro, all'ingiù

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Lorenzetti is widespread throughout the central north, Lorenzetto is typically Venetian, from Treviso and Padua, Lorenzi is more typical of the Veneto region of Veneto, Lorenzin, decidedly Venetian, seems to be specific to the area that includes the provinces of Padua and Vicenza, Lorenzini despite being widespread in the central north, it appears to have originated in the central area, Lorenzo is widespread in the Salerno, in the Potentino and in the Salento, Lorenzon is typical of the Veneto region,

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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