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Di Pinto
Crest of family Di Pinto Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Nobili - Patrizi - Baroni - Marchesi - Principi
Language of the text: Italiano

Variations Last name: de Pinto - di Pinto
Crest of family Pinto Nobles: Italia (Regno Di Sardegna - Regno Di Napoli)
Nobility: Cavalieri - Conti - Marchesi - Patrizi
Language of the text: Italiano

Crest of family Pinto Nobles: Portugal (Portugal)
Nobility: Senhores - Família Nobre
Language of the text: Portugûes

Crest of family Pinto Nobles: España (Portugal Canarias)
Nobility: Señores - Caballeros - Familia Noble
Language of the text: Español

Crest of family Pintó Nobles: España (Cataluña)
Nobility: Señores - Caballeros - Familia Noble
Language of the text: Español

López Pinto
Crest of family López Pinto Nobles: España (Aragón)
Nobility: Señores - Caballeros - Familia Noble
Language of the text: Español

Crest of family Pinto-Guisla Nobles: España (Canarias)
Nobility: Señores - Caballeros - Familia Noble
Language of the text: Español

Benjamim Pinto
Crest of family Benjamim Pinto Nobles: Portugal (Portugal)
Nobility: Senhores - Família Nobre
Language of the text: Portugûes

Pinto Y Mendoza
Crest of family Pinto Y Mendoza Nobles: Portogallo - Italia (Regno Di Napoli)
Nobility: Patrizi - Marchesi - Principi
Language of the text: Italiano

Athayde Pinto Mascarenhas
Crest of family Athayde Pinto Mascarenhas Nobles: Portugal (Portugal)
Nobility: Senhores - Família Nobre
Language of the text: Portugûes

Heraldic Traces


A Heraldic Traces is a dossier prepared by an artificial intelligence program useful as a starting point for researchers and passionate heraldists. The presence of a Heraldic Traces indicates that there is information to draft a heraldic document after carrying out a professional thorough search.

Di Pinto
Crest of family Di Pinto Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Patrizi
Language of the text: Italiano

De Pinto
Crest of family De Pinto Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Cavalieri - Conti - Marchesi - Patrizi
Language of the text: Italiano

Crest of family

ref: 5507

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D'oro alla banda d'azzurro caricata da tre rose del campo e accompagnata nel capo da un rastrello (lambello) a tre pendenti di rosso.

ref: 13512

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D'argento ai 5 crescenti di rosso posti in decusse.

ref: 5513

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D'oro alla banda d'azzurro caricata di tre rose d'argento, accompagnato nel capo da un labello di tre pendenti di rosso, e in punta da tre stelle d'argento

ref: 52223

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D'argento, al destrocherio armate al naturale, impugnante un ramoscello di tre rose, fiorite, fogliate e gambute al naturale; col capo d'azzurro, a tre stelle d' oro, ordinate in fascia. Cimiero: Un aquila di nero, rostrata d'oro, linguata di rosso, nascente, in atto di spiccare il volo.

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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


The Pinto has an important stock in Sicily, in Pantelleria, in the Trapani area, in Palermo, Marineo and Termini Imerese in the Palermo area and in Bivona in the Agrigento region. of a patronymic form, where the Diest for the son of, referring to progenitors whose father carried a nickname originated from the dark tint of his complexion, from the Latin pinctus (dyed, colored), but could also be of Spanish origin.

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/


Pinti is widespread in the belt that includes Abruzzo and Lazio, especially in Rome and in the Theatine area to Schiavi of Abruzzo and Chieti, Pinto is widespread throughout the southern peninsular, Pintucci has a stock in Florence and in Florence, one in Recanati (MC) , one in Rome and one in Bari, should derive, directly or through hypocorisms, from nicknames originating from the dark tint of the complexion, from the Latin pinctus (dyed, colored), but in many cases they are of Iberian origin and, in some, Portuguese Hebrew .

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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