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Auda, absolutely rare, would seem Piedmontese, Auddino has a stock in Nichelino in Turin, one in Rome and Latina and one in Reggio in Polistena, Cinquefrondi, Anoia, Cittanova, Melicucco and Rizziconi, Audenino has a stock in the Asti, Turin area, in Villafranca d'Asti and Cantarana in the Asti area and in Turin, Chieri and Pinerolo in the Turin area, Audi has some presence in north-central Italy, particularly in Piedmont and a strain in the Caserta area in Castel Campagnano, Caiazzo and Caserta, Audini, almost unique , it seems to be the area between Valle d'Aosta and Piedmont, Audinino, also almost unique, is from Turin, Audo, extremely rare, it would also seem Piedmontese, of Corio in Turin in particular, Audino, the most widespread, has a Piedmontese stock, a very small one in the Caserta area, one in the Reggio and one in Sicily, should derive, directly or through hypocoristic, from an apheretic form of the medieval name, of Lombard origin, Audibertus (see AUDIBERTI), or even directly from the Longobard auspicious name Auda, name born from the term audha (wealth, power).

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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