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Crest of family Arlotti Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Nobili - Patrizi
Language of the text: Italiano

Crest of family

ref: 886994

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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Arlotta is typical of the Messina area, Arlotti is specific of Romagna, of Rimini in particular, Arlotto, very very rare, seems to have a Genoese and Lucanian stock, they should derive from the medieval name Arlotus of which we have an example in the Diplomatic Code of Medieval Lombardy in a Brief refutationis et finis of 1163 in Pavia: "... Ego Arlotus notarius sacri palacii interfui et hoc breve scripsi.", According to some it could derive from the norman term harlot (man recently).

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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