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Baravalle e tipicamente piemontese, molto, by spreading abroad nel Torinese, from the Carmagnola, Torino, Pralormo out of the Moncalieri, e nel cuneese from the Savigliano, Mondovi, Scarnafigi out of the Caramagna Piemonte, Baravalli, as it were, by a single, dovrebbe essere dovuto to the un'errata Transcription of text and del precedente, che dovrebbe divert to give un'italianizzazione del home inedioevale German Barwald, composta dalla stump Bar (Orso) con l'aggiunta di Wald (governor), con meaning moveth rules out imponenza con la forza di un orso, latinizzato the Barvaldus; di cui abbiamo an example in un atto del 1234: "in Era after the thousandth 234. month of November. let it be known to all present and future, which I Gundinsalvus Toquidi, the late prelate .. .. it happens to me about my father, about one third of all third Church tell you that, because Barvaldus Eimiriz was the first son of the first wife, from Dom Eimiro, then nubxit with the other, and produced two sons, DIAC Eimiriz and Sandius Eimiriz and Lord Barvaldus killed a new father His and criminatorem Priest: Father asked for punishment that the two parts, and a third of the children died. .. ".

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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