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Guerci seems to originate from the area that from Milan reaches Genoa, through the Pavia and Alessandria areas, Guercini has two possible original strains, one in Perugia and one in the province of Florence, Guercino is absolutely rare and has only one presence in Naples, Guercio it has various stocks around Italy, in Ancona, in Rome, in Salerno, Potentino and Cosenza, but the most important stock is Sicilian, from Palermo, Lentini and Carlentini in the Syracuse area and Palermo, should derive from the medieval name Guercius and Guercinus, of which there are traces already from the 1200s, in the Annales Ianuenses (1280-1294), vol II °, pag 291, we read: "... Nicolaus Guercius ...", in a deed of 15 November 1284 it reads: "Interfuerunt ibi testes Petrus filius condam Iohannis de Salla de Vico here Stat Tirano and Bonanomen of the Plaza de Tirano and Marchionus qui dicitur Guercius ...".
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