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Di Rienzo
Variations Last name: de Renzi,de Rienzis
Crest of family Di Rienzo Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Nobili - Baroni
Language of the text: Italiano

Di Rienzo
Variations Last name: de Renzis - Rienzo
Crest of family Di Rienzo Nobles: Italy (Lazio - Campania)
Nobility: Barons - Nobles of the Barons
Language of the text: English

Cola Di Rienzo
Crest of family Cola Di Rienzo Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

Variations Last name: di Rienzo
Crest of family Renzis Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

Renzis Sonnino
Variations Last name: de Renzis - di Rienzo
Crest of family Renzis Sonnino Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Baroni
Language of the text: Italiano

Heraldic Traces


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Di Rienzo
Crest of family Di Rienzo Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Nobili
Language of the text: Italiano

Crest of family

ref: 886859

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Azure,a circular chain with a pole chain ending in a pendant or, the pendant between two branches per saltire stalked and leaved vert, all accompanied in chief by three stars of six points per fesse or.

ref: 886854

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D'azzurro alla catena circolare da cui ne pendono delle maglie poste in palo con appeso un ciondolo rotondo d'oro accostato da due rami fogliati di verde con i gambi decussati; alle tre stelle(6) d'oro ordinate in capo.

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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Rienzi seems to have three distinct strains, one perhaps secondary in Turin, one in Lazio in Rome and Tivoli (RM) and one in Basilicata between Cancellara (PZ), Potenza and Stigliano (MT), Rienzo has a Campania strain between Naples, Santa Maria Capua vetere (CE) and casaluce (CE) and one in Bari between Altamura, Bitonto and Bari, should derive from the dialectal forms of the apheresis of the name Lorenzo.

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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