This surname is very widespread in the peninsula with numerous manor houses. Based on references from historians of the time and others found by Araldis in the registry archives of cities and other private ones, we could affirm, but not guarantee, that this coat of arms or another very similar to it, initially appeared from the 11th to the 14th century, particularly in the repopulation of Estella, at the end of the 12th century, being one of the families to reside within the city walls. References to this family seem to be specified more frequently from the 15th to the 19th century, especially the events of the celebration of the festivals and jousts that were held in Madrid on the occasion of the arrival of D. Carlos, Prince of Wales, son of James I, in the time of Philip IV. All this seems to coincide with the family memory of ...
O brasão será verificado e, se necessário, redesenhado em estrita observância das regras heráldicas pelos nossos especialistas.
BrasãoMiralles De Imperial
1. Brasão da família: Miralles de Imperial
Língua do texto: Español
En azur, un espejo con marco dorado a la diestra y un águila de sable, con las alas extendidas a la siniestra.
Fuente bibliográfica: "Repertorio de blasones de la comunidad hispánica - letras M-N-Ñ-O-P-Q-R" Vicente De Cadenas y Vicent Instituto Salazar y Castro.
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