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Dossier: 262
Art: Heraldische Vorschau

Barattieri Di S. Pietro

Adelsstand: Conti
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Sprache des Textes: English

Heraldische Vorschau
Barattieri Di S. Pietro


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The coat of arms described is found on the feudal castle of the family in S. Pietro in Cerro (Piacenza); before Francis I of France the triangles of the weapon were replaced by squares. It is not known whether the "De Barateriis" come from Genoa or Bologna; we already find them in Piacenza at the beginning of the twentieth century. A Guido was councilor of Oberto Visconti mayor of Bologna in 1206 and in the following two years he was elected mayor of Milan; another Guido, canon of Bruges in France, was procurator to the papal curia of Avignon in 1342 and in the following years under John XXII and Clement VI, and equipped the church of SS. Nazzaro and Celso in Piacenza; At the same time Alberigo found himself at the papal court as jurisconsult and at that time he was charged with supporting the reasons of Rogerio bishop of Piacenza. An Antonio, a valid jurisconsult, taught in the Piacenza office from 1398 onwards; he took part in the political affairs of the country, was mayor of Cremona in 1417, was registered in the following year in the register of doctors and judges of Piacenza; another illustrious jurist had the family in Bartolomeo, who taught civil law in Pavia from 1422 to 1447 and wrote a treatise: "De Feudis" whose ms. he donated to Filippo Maria Visconti, and was printed only in 1612. Another Bartholomew continued the beautiful scientific traditions of the family; he was enrolled in 1489 in the register of doctors and judges of his city, and was sent with other 4 Piacentines to Pope Julius II, from whom he was created a knight, for the eloquent and learned prayer before him (an. 1512). The Barattieri had meanwhile enriched themselves, so that Francesco, son of the "magnificent

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Barattieri Di S. Pietro

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Barattieri di San Pietro


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Barattieri di San Pietro

Fasciato azzurro e d'argento di quattro pezzi, le due fascie d'azzurro caricate di tre triangoli di campo 2 e 1, col capo d'argento caricato da una bandiera di rosso, alla croce d'argento fluttuante a sinistra, attaccata ad un'asta d'oro posta in banda. Elmo: ornato di svolazzi e medaglia. Cimiero: un'orsa nascente portante una bandiera di rosso crociata d'argento. Motto: Deus et gladium

Blasone della famiglia Barriteri di San Pietro. Fonte: "Enciclopedia Storico-Nobiliare Italiana di V. SPRETI" Vol. I pag. 498 .


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