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Dossier: 14487
Art: Heraldische Vorschau


Adelsstand: Nobili
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Sprache des Textes: English

Heraldische Vorschau


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Ancient and noble family originating from the Bergamasco territory spread over time in different regions of the Kingdom. The weapon of the Castagni family is: Blue, with a green chestnut, fruity with five pieces of gold, and planted on a plain of green. The shortage of the writings in those ancient centuries deprives us of the noblest curiosities that could be desired, and particularly about the origin of the families, which in large numbers dealing with the ancients, of which there is no memory, would be seen to recognize the same principle, and particularly those, which seemed to be from Bergamo, where there were many Castles, and walled Lands, which undoubtedly touched in part on the children of those who dominated all, or in part, and then came to the Cities came to change surnames, and Arme to multiply the families, who had to support the ranks, and offices of the Republic, which were not conferred in the ancient centuries, which to 'Nobili, and lacking the weather these to not admit ignoble, they made families more numerous, various families, who changed each one the Arme, and Surname, and this mostly in those distant centuries they defined them from 'places, which they possessed, having great scruple the Ancients to count families no n nobles among the Nobles, as the Venetians have used up to our times, to whom in many respects, it was agreed to yield to that ancient, and most noble decree; which was particularly true in Tuscany, of not admitting any ignoble family to the nobility; I am afraid to learn if not among themselves, as many cases are told in the Authors, who deal with antiquity, and particularly in Appiano Alessandrino.

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D'azzurro, ad un castagno di verde, fruttato di cinque pezzi d'oro, e piantato sopra una pianura di verde.

Castagni di Bergamo. Citato in "Dizionario storico blasonico delle famiglie nobili e notabili italiane estinte e fiorenti" vol.III, compilato dal Comm. G.B. di Crollalanza, edito presso la direzione del giornale araldico, Pisa 1888.


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  1. Die Heraldische Spuren ist ein Dossier, das von einem A.I. nützlich als Ausgangspunkt für Forscher und leidenschaftliche Heraldiker und bestätigt, dass es Informationen gibt, an denen gearbeitet werden kann, und dass es möglich ist, ein heraldisches Dokument zu bestellen.
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