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Dossier: 17959
Art: Heraldische Vorschau


Adelsstand: Nobili
Adel in:
Italia - Francia (Piemonte - Toscana)
Variationen Nachname:
degli Agli, Liberal, Liberale
Sprache des Textes: English

Heraldische Vorschau
(degli Agli, Liberal, Liberale)


Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch

Lot of Simone degli Agli in 1379 and Nofri of Simone degli Agli in 1393 took on the surname Liberali and the blue shield, loaded in the heart of the round shield of the Florentine people, with a red border; in some acts the liberal cognominal form is also found. The Agli family was named among the consular families of the city of Fiorenza by Pietro Monaldi in his manuscript treatise of the Florentine families for Sesto di S.Pancrazio, and that he changed his surname of the Agli to that of Scalognini, de Cari, de L. , and de Filippeschi, and this was the reason for having been this family of the Great, who, being excluded from the power to have great in their Republic, agreed to them to renounce the Great given to their surname, and Arme, as did Albizo del formerly Manno di Lotto degli Agli per se, and for Antonia his daughter; and for Domina Lisa of the aforementioned Manno, and wife of the already Gio: Lippi, and Manno of the already Francesco her infant nephew, and as Procurator of the brother Manno of the already Manno of the aforementioned Geri of the former Arrigo d'Aglione degli Agli per se, and for Lucia, Albiera minor, Arrigo, Iacopo, Domina Giovanna, and Sister Selvaggia her sons and daughters, and their descendants for masculine lines. Bald'affarri of the former Jacopo of Manno said. Tieri of the former Caroccio per se, and for Biagio, Marchonne, and Caroccio, and Ciuta minor, Gregorio Maggiore his sons, and daughters of the A. all renounce the Arme, and Surname taking a fief with the White Field in which he has a Cross red, and around the shield are two Rests of Shallots, and they wanted to be called Piazza Shallots. As all of this can

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(degli Agli, Liberal, Liberale)

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Blasonierung die Familie

D'azzurro, caricato in cuore dello scudetto rotondo del Popolo fiorentino, con la bordura di rosso.

Blasone della famiglia Liberali o Liberale. Fonte: "Raccolta Ceramelli Papiani" custodita presso l'archivio di stato di Firenze, fasc.26.


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Blasonierung die Familie

D'azzurro, a due caprioli d'oro, l'uno sull'altro, accompagnati da tre stelle d'argento 2,1.

Blasone della famiglia Liberal dalla Provenza, in Italia si trova la forma Liberale. Fonte bibliografica del blasone: "Armorial Général par J.B.Rietstap" edizione digitalizzata su


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Rechtliche Hinweise

  1. Die Heraldische Spuren ist ein Dossier, das von einem A.I. nützlich als Ausgangspunkt für Forscher und leidenschaftliche Heraldiker und bestätigt, dass es Informationen gibt, an denen gearbeitet werden kann, und dass es möglich ist, ein heraldisches Dokument zu bestellen.
  2. Variationen von Nachnamen sind häufig und resultieren hauptsächlich aus unfreiwilligen Handlungen wie Übersetzungsfehlern oder dialektalen Beugungen oder aus freiwilligen Handlungen wie Versuchen, der Verfolgung oder dem Erwerb von Titeln und Eigentum anderer Familien zu entgehen
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