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Nachname: Bostichi

Dossier: 10080
Art:Heraldische Dossiers
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Sprache des Textes: Italiano
Adelsstand: Nobili
Adel in:Italia
Das Land oder die Region des Dossiers bezieht sich hauptsächlich auf die Orte, an denen die Familie dem Adel zugeschrieben wurde, und kann sich von denen des Wohnsitzes unterscheiden.

Heraldische Dossiers :

Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch
Krone des Adels BostichiAncient and very noble family originally from the Florentine territory, called Bostichi or Bustichi. They supported the consulate at home in the person of M. Pietro in 1186, and the succession of the factions followed the Guelph part. (Extinct in the 14th century). The coat of arms of the Bostichi family is: Of red, with three swords (or daggers) of gold, placed in low bands and arranged one on top of the other; with the golden cape. There are many noble Tuscan families, but the same family of which we would mention as handed down by Crollalanza, in his "Noble Handbook, printed in Pisa at the direction of the Heraldic Journal", Rocca S. Casciano Tipografia di Cappelli, in 1867 - 77 ". The shortage of scriptures in those ancient centuries deprives us of the noblest curiosities that could be desired, and particularly about the origin of families, which in large numbers dealing with the ancients, of which there is no memory , they would see the same principle recognized, from their own territory where there were many castles, and walled lands, which undoubtedly touched in part to the children of those who dominated all, or in part, and then came to the city to change surnames, and Arme to multiply the families, who had to support the ranks, and offices of the Republic, which were not conferred in the ancient centuries, which to 'Nobili, and lacking the weather these to not admit ignoble, they did of the more numerous families, various families, who changed each one the Arme, and Surname, and this mostly in those distant centuries they defined them from 'places, which they possessed, having great scruple the Ancients to count non-noble families among the Nobles , as the Venetians have used up to our times, to whom in many respects, it is agreed to yield to that ancient, and most noble decree; which was particularly true in Tuscany, of not admitting any ignoble family to the nobility; I am afraid to learn if not among themselves, as many cases are told in the Authors, who deal with antiquity, ...

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  • Das Wappen wird von unseren Experten unter strikter Einhaltung der heraldischen Regeln überprüft und ggf. neu gestaltet.

Wappen Bostichi

Wappen der Familie Bostichi

1. Wappen der Familie: Bostichi
Sprache des Textes: Italiano

Di rosso, a tre spade (o pugnali) d'oro, poste in banda basse e ordinate l'una sull'altra; con il capo d'oro.

Bostichi o Bustichi di Firenze. Citato in "Raccolta Ceramelli Papiani" custodita presso l'archivio di stato di Firenze, fasc.927.

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  1. Die Heraldische Spuren ist ein Dossier, das von einem A.I. nützlich als Ausgangspunkt für Forscher und leidenschaftliche Heraldiker und bestätigt, dass es Informationen gibt, an denen gearbeitet werden kann, und dass es möglich ist, ein heraldisches Dokument zu bestellen.
  2. Variationen von Nachnamen sind häufig und resultieren hauptsächlich aus unfreiwilligen Handlungen wie Übersetzungsfehlern oder dialektalen Beugungen oder aus freiwilligen Handlungen wie Versuchen, der Verfolgung oder dem Erwerb von Titeln und Eigentum anderer Familien zu entgehen
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