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Nachname: Briganti Bellini

Dossier: 612
Art:Heraldische Dossiers
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Sprache des Textes: Italiano
Adelsstand: Nobili
Adel in:Italia
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Heraldische Dossiers :
Briganti Bellini

Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch
Krone des Adels Briganti BelliniThe Mondolfo (Marche) family is ancient and noble. His memoirs date back to the seventeenth century, and his members held positions in the noble council of that city. Doctor Tommaso (born in Rome, December 21, 1755) married Teresa Bellini (born Osimo, November 9, 1755), held the first council offices in Mondolfo; as well as his son Camillo, born in Osimo June 6, 1776. The Bellini family is from Bergamo, from which in 1440 he moved to Staffolo (Marche) and in 1600 to Osimo. Stefano was bishop of Fossombrone first and then of Loreto. The nobles Ubaldo and Giovacchino Bellini, brothers of Bishop Stefano and of Mrs. Teresa Bellini mentioned above, having no heirs, called their nephew Camillo in Osimo with the obligation to assume the surname and the coat of arms in order to continue the family. From Osimo's council books it appears that from 1782 the family was counted among the nobles of Osimo and from then on its members held all the highest positions of the Council and the magistrate. Last of this branch was sen. Giuseppe who died in Osimo November 14, 1898. He with his holographic testament July 1, 1882 established his heir with the obligation to add the surname and Bellini coat of arms to his nephew Fabrizio, who with Royal Decree of December 31, 1899, assumed the current surname. The Heraldic Council with Ministerial Decree of 18 May 1912 declared to belong to Fabrizio Pio Pasquale Gaspare Briganti-Bellini of the late Francesco Briganti and to his male and female descendants the title of nobleman of Osimo. Today the family is represented by: Fabrizio fu Francesco, born in Barchi (Pesaro) January 6, 1855, married. July 26, 1899 with Edmea Givi from Ceneselli (Rovigo), from which: Costanza, born Osimo January 15, 1902, married June 20, 1927 to Don Giulio of the Barberini princes of Rome. ...

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Wappen Briganti Bellini

Wappen der Familie Briganti Bellini

1. Wappen der Familie: Briganti Bellini
Sprache des Textes: Italiano

Partito: nel primo di azzurro al brigantino al naturale natante sul mare di argento, fluttuoso di azzurro, accompagnato in capo da 3 stelle d'oro ordinate in fascia (Briganti); nel secondo di azzurro alla fascia di rosso cucita accomp. in capo da una stella di 6 raggi d'oro ed in punta da un cane bianco lambente acqua di un fiumicello scorrente in mezzo al prato erboso, il tutto al naturale (Bellini).

Blasone della famiglia Briganti Bellini di Osimo. Fonte bibliografica: "Enciclopedia Storico-Nobiliare Italiana di V. SPRETI", Vol. II pag. 185.

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Wappen der Familie Briganti

2. Wappen der Familie: Briganti
Sprache des Textes: Italiano

Di azzurro al brigantino al naturale natante sul mare di argento, fluttuoso di azzurro, accompagnato in capo da 3 stelle d'oro ordinate in fascia.

Briganti di Osimo. Citato in "Enciclopedia Storico-Nobiliare Italiana di V. SPRETI", Vol. II pag. 185.

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