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Nachname: Cittadella Vigodarzere

Dossier: 1034
Art:Heraldische Dossiers
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  • Das Wappen wird von unseren Experten unter strikter Einhaltung der heraldischen Regeln überprüft und ggf. neu gestaltet.
Sprache des Textes: Italiano
Adelsstand: Conti
Adel in:Italia
Das Land oder die Region des Dossiers bezieht sich hauptsächlich auf die Orte, an denen die Familie dem Adel zugeschrieben wurde, und kann sich von denen des Wohnsitzes unterscheiden.

Heraldische Dossiers :
Cittadella Vigodarzere

Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch
Krone des Adels Cittadella VigodarzereAncient Paduan family, derived from the lords of Carturo and known in 1080. It took the name of C. for having one of its members built the castle located on the border between the Paduan territory and the Bassano area and which was called C. Ascribed to the Council of Padua . Divided from the 16th century into 2 branches, one of which extinguished on 23 November 1925 with the cont. Lucia widow of co. Giulio Giusti, had the investiture of the villa of Onara in 1694 as a feud with a comital title m. and in 17 June 1821 the title of count of the AI The second branch, flourishing, had in 1616 the honorary and primogenial title of count of Onara and Bolzanella. This branch also had the investiture of a carat of the Meduna fiefdom with the title of count m., August 31, 1666, carat and title sold and with SRA May 13, 1825 it had the title of count of the AI In the nineteenth century he assumed, by inheritance, the name of the extinct Paduan Vigodarzere family, known in the twelfth century and already awarded by the Duke of Bavaria with the title of count in 1688 and who brought them to the family a command of the jurisprudonate of the SMO of Malta. They were recognized with DM 8 July 1925 with the titles of noble mf., Count of the AI mf .; Count d'Onara and Bolzanella mpr., the following: Alessandro, comm. of giuspatronato of the SMO of Malta, n. Padua, 1 October 1849, by Andrea, Giorgio Bartolomeo and Maria Arpalice cont. Papafava, married Cittadella 29 December 1888 with Costanza Buoncompagni Ludovisi of the dukes of Fiano; from which: a) Andreina, n. Padua, 22 January 1891 in ten. , column. nob. Carlo of the bars. Ferrari Arcidini; b) Andrea, n. Cittadella, 21 January 1894. Sisters and brothers of the co. Alessandro: a) Luigia, n. Padua, 9 January 1856, in Lodovico co. Valmarana; c) Antonio, born Padua, March 14, 1854, married Turin, 17 October 1888, with Luigia dei march. Saluzzo di Paesana and Castellar; from ...

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  • Das Wappen wird von unseren Experten unter strikter Einhaltung der heraldischen Regeln überprüft und ggf. neu gestaltet.

Wappen Cittadella Vigodarzere

Wappen der Familie Cittadella Vigodarzere

1. Wappen der Familie: Cittadella Vigodarzere
Sprache des Textes: Italiano

Inquartato: nel primo e quarto d'argento alla volpe di rosso, rampante; al secondo di rosso alla fascia d'argento; al terzo d'argento al castello al naturale, movente dal fianco destro e cimato da una torre fondata sul lembo inferiore dello scudo verso sinistra, con la cortina a destra uscente nel lembo destro dello scudo, il tutto al naturale e merlato alla ghibellina, con una bandiera di rosso sorgente in banda dalla finestra destra della torre; con uno scudetto partito d'oro e troncato di rosso e di verde carico di una fascia d'azzurro, cucita, posta sulla troncatura e sopracarico di un leone partito di rosso e d'oro; lo scudetto attraversante sul primo e sul secondo punto; il tutto con il capo d'argento carico di una croce di rosso.

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