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Nachname: Montalbano

Dossier: 4072
Art:Heraldische Dossiers
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  • Das Wappen wird von unseren Experten unter strikter Einhaltung der heraldischen Regeln überprüft und ggf. neu gestaltet.
Sprache des Textes: Italiano
Adelsstand: Baroni - Conti - Nobili
Adel in:Italia
Das Land oder die Region des Dossiers bezieht sich hauptsächlich auf die Orte, an denen die Familie dem Adel zugeschrieben wurde, und kann sich von denen des Wohnsitzes unterscheiden.

Heraldische Dossiers :

Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch
Krone des Adels MontalbanoA Bartolomeo, from Messina, on 22 December 1282, was appointed by King Pietro, notary, creditor of the port of Messina; a Giovanni Antonio bought the Punta dell'Aquila salt pan from Capozzo in 1546. We do not know if the Montalbano descended from them. A Giovan Tommaso on 15 October 1763, obtained the investiture of the title of baron of the office of Portulanotto di Licata; a Pellegrino, from Caltabellotta, with the privilege of 10 June 1779 obtained the title of baron of Castellaci, Monte Ilare and Villamena and was proconservator of Caltabellotta in the years 1800, 1805, 1806; a Francesco Maria bought the title of baron of Maurogiovanni or Maurojanni from the deputation of the kingdom and invested it on 16 July 1790; a Francesco and Guccia (the same as the previous one?), as the firstborn son of Giovan Tommaso, had on 20 July 1799, invested with the title of baron of the Portulanotto office in Licata; an Antonio, on 8 October 1792, obtained a certificate of nobility from the Senate of Palermo. With D. of the Head of the Government of 19 October 1927, Mr. Giovanni Montalbano, of Francesco, obtained recognition of the titles of baron of Mauroianni (the same title was recognized to Ferdinando Cataliotti Valdina) and lord of the Portulanotto di Licata office. The family is registered in the Nob gold book. Ital. And in El. Uff. Nob. Ital. With the titles of baron of Mauroianni, lord of the Portulano office of the city of Licata in the person of Giovanni Montalbano, Francesco, and Raffaele. Children: Elisa, Raffaella and Francesco. Other branch. Since 1300 it carries the frieze of nobility achieved with its aggregation to the noble Council of Conegliano. The Emperor Maximilian, with a diploma on November 28, 1575, created Peter and his first-born male descendants of the Sacred Lateran Palace, and the Emperor Ferdinand II, with a diploma on July 25, 1628, decorated the brothers Marco and Nicolò from Fratta with the title of Marchesi in East Franconia club. They were also the Montalbano feudal lords of Prata. Even the Venetian Republic, reigning the doge ...

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Wappen Montalbano

Wappen der Familie Montalbano

1. Wappen der Familie: Montalbano
Sprache des Textes: Italiano

D'azzurro, al monte di cinque cime d'orò piantato sopra un mare fluttuoso d'argento.

Montalbano di Sicilia, insigniti dei titoli di Baroni, Nobili e Signori. Citato in "Blasone In Sicilia ossia Raccolta Araldica" V. Palizzolo Gravina, Palermo 1871-75, p. 269-270.

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Wappen der Familie Montalbano

2. Wappen der Familie: Montalbano
Sprache des Textes: Italiano

Burellato d' oro e di nero di dodici pezzi, ad una crocetta del secondo posta sulla terza fascia.

Montalbano originari di Conegliano, insigniti del titolo comitale. Citato in "Dizionario storico blasonico delle famiglie nobili e notabili italiane estinte e fiorenti" vol.II, pag. 159, compilato dal Comm. G.B. di Crollalanza, edito presso la direzione del giornale araldico, Pisa 1888.

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Wappen der Familie Montalbano

3. Wappen der Familie: Montalbano
Sprache des Textes: Italiano

Stemma Montalbano dell'Italia

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  1. Die Heraldische Spuren ist ein Dossier, das von einem A.I. nützlich als Ausgangspunkt für Forscher und leidenschaftliche Heraldiker und bestätigt, dass es Informationen gibt, an denen gearbeitet werden kann, und dass es möglich ist, ein heraldisches Dokument zu bestellen.
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