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Nachname: Tedalda

Dossier: 18049
Art:Heraldische Dossiers
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Sprache des Textes: Italiano
Adelsstand: Nobili
Adel in:Italia (Toscana - Umbria)
Das Land oder die Region des Dossiers bezieht sich hauptsächlich auf die Orte, an denen die Familie dem Adel zugeschrieben wurde, und kann sich von denen des Wohnsitzes unterscheiden.

Heraldische Dossiers :

Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch
Krone des Adels TedaldaAmong the opinions, which run for the derivation of the noble, and ancient family, it seems to be commonly the most accepted, that she came from Poland to Italy, and that stopped in Fiesole, enjoyed here long time the first honors of that city, and that destroyed then the Tedaldi would spread to various parts of the world, passing some of them to Spain, of which Francesco, and Giovanni. Others who stopped in Umbria, built the Castle, and the Badia Tedaldi, and of these it was that Cione di M Tedaldo said from the city of Castello, who was the power of the Florentine Republic in 1322. as Scipione affirms, admire the young man in the addition of the Florentine History of the Old. Others spread out for Lombardy, and founded in Piacenza, as Crescenzi wants in his Crown of the Nobility of Italy, the house of the Tedaldi Marchesi of Bedonia, and of Lavagna. Others finally came in the company of many noble nobles to live in Fiorenza, as Gio tells and in many other places. All of this is very true, but more certainly, and with greater foundation we can assert that the whole T. family descended from Fiesole, and perhaps much earlier than that, and from Fiesole himself that she had propagated in the aforementioned places. All the Tedaldi still wanted to be feudatarj of the said Badia di Fiorenza, for the estates, and of Montelatico, and of S. Martino a Mensola, which therefore from the year 900. up to 1300. Badia for the mentioned estates. They owned Towers, and very strong Houses outside, and inside Fiorenza placed between S. Cecilia, and S. Pietro Scheraggio, who, however, were the Tedaldini, with one and the other people, with the Towers together, which they were then sold by Maffeo di Tado Tedaldi to the Signoria, and thrown from the same to the ground with those of the Uberti to fabricate the Palace, and expand the Piazza of that, in the year 1298. as is gathered from the memories of Iacopo di Pietro di Maffeo Tedaldi reduced to the old, ...

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Wappen Tedalda

Wappen der Familie Tedaldi

1. Wappen der Familie: Tedaldi
Sprache des Textes: Italiano

D'oro, a tre gemelle in fascia di rosso, e al leone attraversante d'azzurro.

Alias della famiglia Tedaldi o Tedalda da Firenze, San Giovanni, Vaio; fonti: "Raccolta Ceramelli Papiani" custodita presso l'archivio di stato di Firenze fasc.4584; "Istoria genealogica delle famiglie nobili toscane et umbre". Note: Lo stemma sembra essere stato adottato quando la famiglia si fece dei Popolani.

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  1. Die Heraldische Spuren ist ein Dossier, das von einem A.I. nützlich als Ausgangspunkt für Forscher und leidenschaftliche Heraldiker und bestätigt, dass es Informationen gibt, an denen gearbeitet werden kann, und dass es möglich ist, ein heraldisches Dokument zu bestellen.
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