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Accorsi and typically Emiliano, Accorsini and typical of the Camporgiano (LU) area, Accorso, absolutely very rare and probably from the south, and due to the fact that it is due to the accuracy of the Accurso ti Caduto in Sicily, to Alcamo (TP) and Palermo in particular, Calabria to Villa San Giovanni (RC) and Verbicaro (CS), Naples and Rome, Accursio, absolutely strange, Sicilian, Accursi, strange altrettanto, stems in the Bolognese and in the south, Occorsi and Unico, Occurrence, extremely rare, has a Ceppo a Roma and one to Napoli, Occorso, very strange, has a piccolo ceppo in the comasco ed one, most consistent, in the Palermo, Castelbuono, Palermo and Petralia Sottana, dovrebbero all derive, directly or via custom modifications, dall'antico medieval name Accursus, from which we received a letter in this letter of 1320: "... Frater Octo, frater Beraldus, frater Petrus, frater Accursus, frater Adiutus: Hij 5 fratres martyrizati sunt tempore Innocenci et beati Fr ancisci, quorum meminerung history and legend, confessoris apud Marochium Feb. 17, quorum venerandas relics dominus Petrus, infans Regis Portugalie, hospes predictorum fratrum in Marochia secum differens. . . we celebrate passionis ordinem plenius deuulgauit. ... ", a name discreetly diffused in the Middle Age, a name with a propitiatory meaning that comes from the child, either attenuated or born at the same time as the death of an expensive person, in many cases might just be derived from the name of" come "Bonaccorso ( see BONACCORSI). A principle of this cognition patronimiche I found in 1221 to Spoleto: "In nomine dany amen, Anno Millesimo duasimo the twentieth cousin, Tempore Honorij pp. tertii et dñi Frederici Imperatoris Secundi, and the 11th intrante julio, indictione nona, hoc quidem tempore Ego Berardus judex sindicus, constitutus dino Jacobo Petri Corvi potestati Cerreti et al domino Letone Camerari comunis Cerreti, et plebano plebis alve et doño Berardo de Rocca et Mercede tertii et ab Ansuvino Ardengi and I leave Letone Rogerii, and Rainaldo de Muniano, and Saccente Belluvardi et Jonte Gilette, et to Nicolao Munaldi, and Johanna de Sellano et Ruberto Accursii consciliariis e castro, and ab universe cerretano populo in eorum contione .... ".

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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