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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Andreassi has a kernel nel bresciano ed uno in the center of Italy, Andreazza e tipico Veneto, del trevigiano e basso bellunese in particolare, Andreazzi, estremamente rarely, sembrerebbe semper veneto, Andreazzini, as it were, by a single, parrebbe della Lunigiana, Andreazzo a very unusual e tipico padovano, Andreozzi oltre al ceppo primary against Lazio, Casertano the Neapolitan has a ceppo Also marchigiano ed single nella Toscana settentrionale, derivano give modificazioni medioevali del home Andrea del uso dimostrato in questo testo 1352: "... come out of prison Hungary, where the the seven years of the feet of the lords, the king Robert the Emperor of Romania's despots prince Achaye, and Tarentum, a town Philip, his brother, and the Lord, Lewis Duracio for their arrival at Naples, of the great feast days, and by means of Louis and Joan the Queen, who had been taken captive by the King when he came into kingdom up to avenge the death of Andreassi of his brother, when did maim head, Charles de Durachio in the Castle Aversae .... ".

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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