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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Baschiera, very rare, has small stocks in Pavia, Alessandria and Genoa, and in the Venetian, Pordenone and Udine areas, Baschieri is typically Emilian, from Modena, Formigine, Sassuolo and Palagano in the Modena area, from Bologna and from Maggiore to Bologna and from Scandiano. Reggio Emilia in the Reggio area, with a stock in Buti in Pisa and one in Rome, should derive from the medieval name Baschiera, Baschiere, of which we have an example in this writing of 1200: ".. Item legavit 'domino Nerio domini libertini de Gaville, vel Gughelmino eius filio, et Baschiere Bindi domains of the Tosa de Florentia, fideicoimmssariis suis, .. "or at the beginning of the 1300s with Baschiera della Tosa who tried to reconquer Florence by leading a group of the White Ghibellines, as Leonardo Bruni writes: ".. for reverence of the Pope and of the House of France received in the city, he immediately put the confined citizens back, and later drove the White part for revelation of a certain treaty made for Messer Piero Ferran his baron: who said he had been requested by three gentle men of the White part, namely by Naldo of Messer Lottino Gherardini, by Baschiera della Tosa and by Baldinaccio Adimari, to use yes with Messer Carlo di Valois that their part remained superior in land; and that they had promised to give him Prato in government, if he did this .. ".

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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