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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Bragadin, absolutely rare, is Venetian, particularly from Padua and Venice, Bragadini, very rare, is from Parma and Parma, should derive from the profession of caulker (who waterproofs boats with tar) from the medieval term brago (tar, but also slime), we remember that the Venetian Marcantonio Bragadin (1523 - 1571) was famous, Captain General of Famagosta of the corps of the Fanti da Mar of the Serenissima Republic of Venice, who held the office of Governor of Cyprus and the defenses against the Turks passing to the history both for his bravura, organizational ability and courage, that for the horrendous death that the Turkish commander Mustafà Pascià inflicted him betraying the word given. Although the surrender treaty established that the surviving soldiers could retreat to Candia with the civilians, the Bragadin, after a long series of humiliations, was subjected to a horrible torture: the live flaying. His quartered limbs were distributed among the various departments of the army and the skin, filled with straw and sewn up, was covered with military insignia and carried by an ox in procession for Famagusta (taken from Wikipedia). additions provided by Giovanni Vezzelli Bragadin is a Venetian surname from the Latin 'bracatus' = dressed in trousers but also a stranger'. Olivieri 222.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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