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Widespread throughout northern Braga, specific to the provinces of Milan and Cremona, Bragalini, decidedly Venetian from Bragato, Piacenza from Braghieri. All these surnames have different origins but could have in common a Celtic derivation both from the word brac (palude) and from the word braca (calzoni). About the antiquity of the surname Braga, in a deed of transfer of land, dating back to the year 1136, we read: "Duodecima iacet in via de Cario et est pertice .V.; Ab a part of land Bernardi Braga, ab alia Pagani clerici, a tercia via de Aqua Longa. Tercia decima petia iacet in via de Cario, in loco Candiani et est pertice .X .; ab a part of land Bernardi Braga, ab alia Pagani clerici, a tercia Sancte Marie. " additions provided by Giuseppe Concas BRAGA: it is not really a Sardinian surname, but of northern Italy: Veneto, Lombardy, Piedmont, etc. Currently Verona has 220, Milan 181, Turin 68, Genoa 29, Ferrara 32, etc. Braga is the ancient variant of braca. It is a word of Gallic origin, used mostly in the plural: bracae - arum. A name that once indicated (especially in the Middle Ages) a male garment similar to trousers, but shorter and less broad. From the breeches or better braghe the male "knickers" have originated! The expression "lowering the breeches" is typical, in the sense of submitting, yielding cowardly, out of fear! In Sardinia the surname is present only in two centers: Cuglieri 2, Stintino 2. although of little consistency, by number we mean, the Sardinian stock seems native to us, or if it is an importation, this goes back to the first centuries of the second Millennium. In fact we find the surname in the ancient documents of the Sardinian language we consulted. Among the signatories of the Peace of Eleonora, * LPDE of 1388, are: Braga Nicolao - de Castri Januensis. ** Castri Januensis Civitas (Castel Genovese - Castel Sardo). Omnibus habitantibus. In ville de Coginas ... die undecima januarii. In posse De Valle Anthoni filii); Braga Joanne - Terrenove villas and Fundi Montis. ** Terranova et Fundi de Montis (Olbia and Monti). Also De Yola Petro and Filio Guantino of Sassari, imperial notaries (15 - January - 1388). Habitatoribus Fundi Montis ... XV Januarii 1388; in posse ...). And again in the Condaghe of San Nicola di Trullas, * XI °, XIIIth century, we find Braca Mariane (190), of Kilemuli (today's Cheremule already medieval villa (bidda) belonging to the Curadorìa of Caputabas, in the Judicial kingdom of Torres), in a donation of servants: positinke woman (noblewoman) Secuçana (de Athen) to Gosantine (Braca), fiiu de Mariane Braca, su de Kilemuli, pro s'anima sua - gave woman Secutana de Athen, Gosantine, son of Mariano braca, for (save) his soul. In the Sardinian language, sa braga (rarely is bragas) is a characteristic garment of the Sardinians, today no longer used except by very few older shepherds from Barbagia. It is however an integral part of the ancient Sardinian costumes, which we can observe in the parades during festivals or folk and religious festivals, or in the singing and dancing events in Sardinia. It is the black orbace skirt, under which are the white linen trousers.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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