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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Typical Sardinians from the provinces of Oristano and Cagliari, the latter extremely rare, may derive from names of places such as Is Caddeus near Decimomannu (CA), or more likely from the Spanish surname Cadeu, according to some they should derive from dialectal modifications of the Byzantine name Kalleo . additions provided by Giuseppe Concas CADDEO; CADDEU: of uncertain etymology and meaning. Prof. Massimo Pittau suggests the derivation from the Italian Taddeo, not from Coddeus, present as a nomen in Africa, but not in Sardinia. The Latin callum means hardened skin, callus. In Greek we have kalais = turquoise (precious stone); kalèo = to call; Kallèas, from Kallìas, in the meaning of beauty or goodness. We find it in the ancient papers of Sardinia, generally in the ancient Calleo variant. Among the signatories of the Peace of Eleonora, LPDE of 1388 we find: Calleo Fuliado, jurato Villa de Abbas (Santa Maria Acquas - Sardara); Calleo Marcho, ville de Sardara. ** SARDARA MONTIS REGALIS ... 11 JANUARY 1388, et ego ... Gadulesu Margiano habitator ville Sardara, syndicus actor and procurator universitatis Contrate Montis Regalis et villarum et etc. In posse Virde Andrea, Virde Joanne, de Civitate Sasseri, public notarii, die XI Januarii 1388. In the history we remember, Caddeo Rinaldo, of San Gavino Monreale (1881 - 1956), journalist and historian (Di.Sto.Sa). Currently the surname Caddeo is present in 229 Italian Municipalities, of which 103 in Sardinia: Cagliari 243, Sardara 124, Arbus 98, Quartu SE 73, Carbonia 53, Santadi 49, etc. Caddeu is present in 15 Italian municipalities, 10 of which in Sardinia: Segariu 23, Furti 11, Sanluri 9, Vallermosa 6, etc.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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