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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Significant presences in Rome and Fondi (LT) and in Campania in Naples and Montesarchio (BN), but the main nucleus would seem to be in Puglia in Triggiano (BA) and in Bari, with a stock also in Lecce, should derive from the toponym Molise Campobasso, unlikely a connection with the condottiere Angelo Monforte, Count of Campobasso called Campobasso, who sided against King Ferdinand II of Aragon the Catholic (1452-1518) whose descent continued with the surname of Monforte and is not even proposable a connection with Niccolò di Monforte, Cola Gambatesa, the count Cola Di Napoli, Count of Campobasso and Termoli. Lord of Campobasso, general under the Anjou against the King of France Louis XI in the war of the Public Good and that with the Galeota the army of the Count of Charolais and the Duke of Burgundy Charles the Bold with 900 men of arms, of which 120 veterans of the Italian wars. Attacks Paris, as his lineage continued with the Gambatesa surname.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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