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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Camuffi is almost unique, Camuffo is typical of the Venetian, with a small stock also in the Gorizia area, it could derive from a nickname originated from the Italian term archaic camouflage (gambling, handkerchief or scarf used to cover the face, disguise, mask), but a possible derivation from the Hebrew name Hamoth cannot be excluded, the origins of this surname would seem to be candiotes (Cretans), in Candia, the current Crete, a Venetian port, at the beginning of the 1400th flourishing Venetian trading center in the Aegean, with the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople, present-day Istanbul, fell prey to the Saracens and many candidates fled to Venice and Chioggia to escape the persecutions made by the Turks on the Christians, among these also the Camuffo who, having arrived in Mestre , they continued their work as builders of all sorts of boats, a company that continues today. additions provided by Giovanni Vezzelli Camuffo is a Venetian surname that comes from an ancient Venetian word meaning 'leap of the dress'. Olivieri 238.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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