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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Emma, Sicilian, is a native of the provinces of Enna and Caltanissetta, Emme, almost unique, could also have a small stock in the Catania area, Emmi is specific to the Catania area, to Linguaglossa, Catania and Giarre, with significant presence also in Lentini in the Syracuse area and Messina, should derive from the Norman medieval name Emme, Emma already in use also in the Gauls Senones, of the use of this name we have an example in the second half of 1200 in an act: "... Carta Emme quondam vxoris Roberti filii sacerdotis vidua Alicie et Juliane filiabus Rogeri de Sancto Edmundo de tribus acris terre cum pertinis in suburbis Colcestr ... ". additions provided by Giovanni Vezzelli EMMA - Surname which comes from personnel of Germanic origin EMMA resulting from the apocope of names starting with ERM (example: Ermingard). The original root is ERMIN (see Förstemann 473), the name of the demigod who gave the name to the tribe of the Herminones, as Tacitus calls them (Germany, II / 2). EMMA personnel developed from * ERMA, with the fall of the intermediate 'r', as often happens in Germanic onomastics for hypocoristic forms. Example: Benno from Bernhard.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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