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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Faraboli, very very rare, is typical of Parma and Parma, Faravelli is widespread in Pavia, particularly in the Oltrepo, in Santa Maria della Versa, Pavia, Voghera, Broni, Stradella and Montecalvo Versiggia, Faravolo is practically unique, Feraboli it is a typically Lombard surname, widespread especially in Cremona and in Cremona, Ferraboli, slightly more rare, is typical of Brescia and Brescia, in some cases could derive, directly or through variants, from the medieval name Faravellus, of which we have traces in Milanese recordings dating back to 1260, however, could just as often derive from an archaic term that then gave rise to the word farabolone (cheater, but also chatterer, who speaks a lot and does not give much to do by concluding little or nothing), we find traces of these surnames in the early 1300s in Verona where there are records written by a certain notary from Verona "Ser Barchinum quondam filìum Magistri Uliveti de Feraboli notarium Ver one ", and also in the second half of the 1600s with Bartolomeo Ferabolus was Gaspare Notary principal cited among the notaries operating in the Bergamo lands subject to the Serenissima Republic of Venice, from the something it can be deduced that it is a family of notaries who continued to operate from the medieval period up to at least 1700.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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