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Focardi and typically Tuscan, from Fiorentino in particolare, Firenze, Reggello, Rignano sull'Arno, Bagno a Ripoli, Sesto Fiorentino, Incisa in Val d'Arno, Pontassieve, Greve in Chianti and Scandicci, Foccardi, much less diffused, and specific from Venezia, potrebbero derives from the Byzantine name Foca, with the addition of the suffix -ardi, indicative of belonging, I remember San Foca, of Antioch, addressed to the Diocletian emperor, but it is also possible to refer to the name of Germanic origin Folchardus, In turn, Latinization of the Middle Germanic name Volkhard (if you pronounce folcart), composed of dai vocaboli volk (popolo) and hart (hard), say this name I took a phrase in the 1160's: "... Notum sit omnibus tam futuris quam presentibus, qualter Eberhardus de Weiden ministerialis sancte Marie in Frisinga curtem suam Mousach, who was hereditary iure possidebat, potent sancto Manu Petro in New crazy remedies anime sue & parentum suorum post mortem suam trad idit & in beneficium preposito eiusdem Ecclesie suscepit: and the pacto ut singulis annis denarium aut modium frument pro tributo daret. H. r. t, f. Harbor of Biburch, ... Roudegerus de Waltheriskirchen, Folchardus de Bachen. .. ".

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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