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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Groppa is specific to Cencenighe Agordino in the Belluno area, Groppi has a stock in Milan, and in Codogno in the Lodi area, a very small stock in the Venetian area in Mira and in Venice, a stock in Licciana Nardi in the Massese, but the main core is in Piacenza and Parma , with good presences also in San Giorgio Piacentino, Podenzano, Nibbiano, Rivergaro and Carpaneto Piacentino in the Piacenza area and in Collecchio, Langhirano, Traversetolo, Palanzano, Corniglio and Montechiarugolo in the Parma area, Groppini, absolutely rare, has presences in the Bergamo and Piacenza areas and in the Parma area , Groppo has a stock in the Cuneo area at Sommariva del Bosco and Moretta and in Turin, one in the Vicenza area at Chiampo, Montecchio Maggiore and Vicenza, at Pederobba in the Treviso area, at Santa Maria di Sala in the Venetian dialect and at Loreo in the Rovigoto, and at San Giovanni al Natisone in the Udine area, could derive from names of places such as Groppa in the Lucca area, or Groppo present in several specimens in the Parma area, in the Piacenza area and in the Massa area, names of gold Longobard gine born from the Italianization of the Lombard term krupfa (hill, hill), a principle of these surnames we find in 1301 in a writing: "..et super dictis solutionibus mittebam dicto magistro Giffredo litteras dictarum societatum for Thomam de sancto Bottulfo clericum familialm suum prout mihi for suas litteras mandaverat et cum dictus nuntius reddendo ad curiam Romanam esset in Tuscia, invenit, auditory prout, Giffredum de Groppo sancti Petri nepotem dicti magistri Giffredi qui est commensalis capellanus domini Luce de Flixco cardinalis et audita death tell domains on predictas litteras solutionum supradicte pecunie tradidit eidem .. ".

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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