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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Horvat and Hrovat are almost unique, Horvath, very very rare, has various presences in the centronord, Hrovatin has a large stock in Trieste and in Trieste at Duino and Sgonico, Hrvatin, slightly more rare, is also specific to Trieste. additions by Stefano Ferrazzi Of Slavic origin or, in any case, of Eastern European origin, these surnames all derive from the noun horvat (with variants in horvath, hrovat and hrovath), which, in the context of Eastern Europe, alludes or a descendant Croatian or a more general relationship with Croatia (see Croats): etymologically, in fact, the term horvat (h) or hrovat (h) (with further variants in Hrovatin and Hrvatin consists of an archaic pronunciation of the more modern hrvat (Croatian) , at least in the Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian languages - in Hungarian, however, the correct transcription is still today horvát. Out of curiosity, moreover, it should be noted that Horvat is the most common surname in Croatia (in Slovenia it is in second place), while the Horvát and Horváth variants are more typically Hungarian - often also Jewish-Hungarian (the Jewish origin is very likely for the Roman Horvath lineage).

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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