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Izza, very rare, is typical of Alghero (SS), Izzi is quite common in Lazio and Molise, Izzo is specific to Campania, could derive from the apheresis of the Italian medieval name Albizzo. additions provided by Stefano Bettazzi Izza, very rare, could originate from Alghero (SS), Izzi, frequent especially in the central and central south, has minor stocks also in the north of the country, Izzo is widespread throughout Italy, but has the its maximum concentration in Campania, all these surnames derive from the medieval name Izzo, that is the Italianization of the Germanic personal Hitz or Hilz, which, originating from the root hilde (struggle, battle), can be translated as a warrior, a man of arms (a bit like the medieval names Battaglia and Guerra). In some cases, however, it cannot be ruled out that some of these surnames derive from the ancient Italian izzo, a term used to refer to an individual of Arabic origin, a Saracen or, in a broad sense, a person with complexion or dark hair: the origin of this word is to be found in the Latin aegyptius or in the Greek aigyptios (Italianized both as izzo and as ghezzo), with the literal meaning of Egyptian (an etymology which was then extended to include the Arabs in general). In conclusion, then, we are dealing with the surnames or personal names of the progenitors or their nicknames (in relation to their ethnic origins or their physical characteristics). additions provided by Giovanni Vezzelli Izzo is a Sicilian and southern surname in general, which comes from the Sicilian dialect word 'izzu' = kite, which in turn comes from the Doric 'hírix' = kite, falcon. 'Izzu' (jizzu) in ancient Sicilian also meant 'slave born in the house' (Latin aegyptius).

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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