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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Lindiri, quite rare, is typical of the Iglesiente in southern Sardinia, of San Giovanni Suergiu, and Carbonia and Cagliari. additions provided by Giuseppe Concas LINDIRI: it is a rather odd surname, because su lindiri in Campidanese, so lèndine in Logudorese is the lendine, from the Latin lendis; common name of the eggs of the human louse. It is a rare surname, we did not find it in the ancient documents in our possession. Su lindiri reminds me of circumstances, not so nice, of the second post-war period: we were all children, girls and women (the louse does not attack adult males), with its head full of priogu and lynx (lice and louse eggs) ): so much so that, for us children, the first spring sun was a visit to the barber, to cut the hair to zero, and it was not fashionable! Therefore it cannot be said that this surname was given to bearers of lndiris, because the eggs of the lice, we all had them!

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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