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Both definitely Sardinian, Montisci is typical of Cagliari, Monserrato and Settimo San Pietro in Cagliari, of Sardara in the Middle Campidano, of Mogoro and Oristano in the Oristano area, of Orgosolo and Mamoiada in the Nuoro area and of Iglesias, Montixi has a stock in Cagliari and Monserrato in Cagliari, in Sardara and San Gavino Monreale in the Medio Campidano, one in Oristano and one in Santa Maria Coghinas and Sassari in the Sassari area. additions provided by Giuseppe Concas MONTISCI; MONTIXI: these are poorly diffused surnames and mostly in the southern part of the island. The meaning is of small mountain, therefore hill, which is otherwise called còddu (from the Latin collis) which is not a Gallurese voice, as Wagner (DES) assumes, but a term common to the whole of Sardinia and is synonymous with montixu or monticlu or montiju in high Sardinia and instead of montixèddu in the Campidanese dialects. In the ancient documents of the Sardinian language the entry monticlu or montiju is present as a toponym: * CSNT XI °, XIII ° sec. (39, 245, 321) monticlu Calbosu (Mount Calboso, near Trullas); monticlu de Subiles (110 - in the countryside of Semestene); monticlu d'Ulumos (330), etc. The term monticlu is also present in the * CSMB XI °, XIII ° sec., Despite the language of this Condaghe is the Arborense, much closer to the Campidanese than to the high Logudorese. As a surname we find it again, in the Montigha exit,

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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