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Paba is typically Sardinian, from Aritzo in the Nuoro area, from Cagliari and Selargius in the Sassari and Bonorva areas of Sassari and Tramatza and Oristano in the Oristano area, it should derive from a nickname based on the Sardinian term Paba (Pontiff). additions provided by Giuseppe Concas PABA: "su paba", is the Sardinian variant of the pope (pontiff), but here in the Medio Campidano and Sulcis Iglesiente there is the entry "sa paba", which is the variant of "sa pala" intended as shoulder and mountain slope (see PALA): the phenomenon of betacism is frequent in the languages of southern Sardinia: s'obìa per s'olìa (the olive), su sòbi per su soli (the sun), sa sabìa for sa salìa (saliva), s'àkibi for s'àkili (the eagle), su cobòru for su colòru (the biscia), s'arjòba for s'arjòla (the farmyard), etc. However, this phenomenon is recent, since it is not recorded in medieval documents, where instead Pala is present, and even profusely, as a surname and as a toponym. For these reasons, we are convinced that the surname Paba is the Sardinian variant of pope - pontiff (see PAPA), given to the progenitor as a nickname, for example. Currently the surname Paba is present in 78 Italian Municipalities, of which 37 in Sardinia: Aritzo 85, Cagliari 57, Sassari 26, Oristano 24. In the peninsula Rome is with 43 to have the highest number.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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