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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Paglia is present as a leopard spot all over Italy, Pagliai is typical of Tuscany, Pagliari has a nucleus between Lombardy and Emilia and one in central Italy, Pagliarini is in the central area of northern Italy with a stock also in the Piceno, which should derive from the toponym Pagliare (AP), Pagliaro is specific to the south, Pagliarulo has a stock in the Bari area and one in the Avellino area, all these surnames derive from nicknames linked to the word straw or for the profession or for the vicinity of localities characterized by the presence of barns or haystacks. Traces of the surname Pagliaro are found in a 1600 act written in Cassino (FR): "... Capomastri d'Achi of the City of S. Germano on one side, and Benedetto Pagliaro of the same City elsewhere; . ".

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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