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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Pannuzzi, absolutely rare, would seem to be Umbrian, Pannuzzo is specific to southern Sicily, to the Syracuse and Ragusa areas, Panunti, almost disappeared, would appear to be from the Marche, Panunzi and Pannunzi are specific to the province of Rome, Pannunzio, extremely rare, is typical of Agnone in the iserniese Panunzio is typical of the Apulian area of Molfetta in the Bari area and of Lesina in the Foggia area. They derive from the medieval name Panuntius of which we have an example in a will dated 1556: "... Item lasso that every year is given mezo shield to tell Mass of Saint Gregory for my soul. Item lapse to Master Panuntio, doctor, a robe of a black woman as a doctor who is made new .... ". additions provided by Giovanni Vezzelli Panunzio is a fairly common surname in Italy. It is quite common in Puglia. According to Minervini 368 could have at its base the Neapolitan dialectal term 'panunzio' = apron supported by two braces in use in the nineteenth century by peasant women. According to another hypothesis it would mean

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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