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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Fish is panitalian, Pescetta, extremely rare, seems to be from eastern Veneto, Pescetti, very rare, it would seem typical of the province of Macerata, of Potenza Picena (MC), Pesci is more proper than centronord, Pesciarelli has a Roman and one in Ancona , particularly in Sassoferrato, Pescini is typically Tuscan, especially Florentine, Pescio and Pescetto are typically Ligurian, Pescione would seem typically Campania of Avella (AV), Pesciolini is typical of Firense and Incisa In Val D`Arno (FI), Pescioni is characteristic of Prato, Pesciotti is Roman, they should all derive from nicknames originated from the fisherman's trade, but it is also possible a connection with physical or behavioral characteristics of the progenitor. Traces of these surnames have been found in Liguria since the 1600s. Additions provided by Stefano Ferrazzi The origin of these surnames, in reality, is more often sought in the medieval name Pesce, which, following the ancient Christian symbolism, should be understood in figurative meaning a good Christian, a faithful Catholic. To better understand this allegorical interpretation, first of all, it must be remembered that in the sacred texts Jesus Christ is often represented through the image of the fisherman (the fisherman of men or souls par excellence) and the fish, therefore, symbolize the Christians themselves (like the flock of the Lord alludes once again to Christians in the metaphor of the Good Shepherd); the fact that the ancient Greek word ichthys (fish, in Italian) appears to be the acrostic of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior (Iesous Christòs, Theou Yiòs, Sotér, as he plays) also contributed to the Catholic allegory of fish. in the Greek original). As far as the surnames in question are concerned, therefore, these are the surnames of personal names of the founders, even if, in some cases, a derivation from nicknames or trade names is not excluded.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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