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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Pianari, it would seem unique, Pianaro, absolutely rare, is typical of the Vicenza area. additions provided by Tibère Gheno - Annecy le Vieux - France Pianaro is a Veneto surname of Vicenza native of San Nazario in the Vicenza area. Although this family is still present in San Nazario it is actually more represented in Schio (VI), we also find it in Mussolente, Rosà, Bassano del Grappa, Romano d'Ezzelino, Zane ', and Marano Vicentino. Many Pianaro emigrated. Those we find in San Zenone degli Ezzelini, Cittadella or Venezia like those of Trentino Alto Adige (Bolzano and Bressanone), those of Piedmont (Venaria, Castellamonte, Pinerolo and Baldissero Torinese), those of Emilia and Romagna (Bedonia and Bardi) as those of Friuli in Codroipo are the result of an emigration of the last century. Instead it would seem that those we find in Lombardy, more particularly in Gallarate, Cassano Magnago and Somma Lombardo, may be the result of a more ancient emigration. In France between 1891 and 1990, 79 Pianaro were born and seven of them took French nationality. The origin goes back to Mattio Scotton

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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