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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Very rare surname, typical of the area of San Severo and San Paolo Di Civitate (FG). additions provided by Stefano Ferrazzi of Foggia origins, has at its base a nickname attributed to the progenitor, probably due to its short stature.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/


Piccirella, absolutely rare would seem Pugliese, Piccirelli would seem typical of Torricella Peligna (CH), Piccirello, almost unique, is probably due to an error of transcription of the previous one, Picciriello, extremely rare, it would seem Pugliese, Piccirilli is specific to the belt that includes Lazio and Abruzzo, Piccirillo, typically from Campania, from the Neapolitan one in particular, also has stocks in Rome and Puglia. additions provided by Stefano Ferrazzi Piccirella and Piccirello, very rare, have strains originating in the Foggia and Neapolitan areas, Piccirelli, which is also very rare, is found mostly in the Chieti area, Picciriello, almost unique, seems to come from the Foggia area, although it is almost present exclusively in Turin and Milan, Piccirilli, more common than the previous ones, is more typically Lazio and Abruzzese, with main nucleuses in the Romans, in the frusinate, in the Chieti area and, to a lesser extent, in the Aquila area and in the Pescara area, but minor stocks are also found in the Foggia area, in the Bari area and between the northern and central northern peninsular, Piccirillo, found practically in the whole country, has a great epicenter between the Neapolitan, the Caserta, the Salerno and the Benevento, all these surnames derive from the medieval name Piccirillo, with literal meaning of small, small, to be understood probably in an affective sense (as well as the medieval names Piccolo and Piccino); in some cases, however, a derivation from the same adjective piccirillo cannot be excluded, to indicate particular physical or behavioral characteristics. In conclusion, therefore, it is a question of the surnames or personal names of the founders or of their nicknames.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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