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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Rainaldi is typical of Rome and its province, has a significant strain also Nell'aquilano, in L'Aquila and Pescocostanzo, derives from the medieval name Rainaldus of which we have an example in the diplomatic code Pavese in Pavia in the year 1014: "... In Iudicius Adesse domnus Otto comes palacii et comes uius comitatu Ticinensis iusticiam faciendam ac deliberamdam, Adesse, the first of these, the Episscopi, Rainaldus Uius Ticinensis, Petrus Novariensis,... ", of a principle of this We have an example in the diplomatic code of medieval Lombardy in Cerreto in the year 1117: "Year ab Incarnatione domini our Iesu Christi thousandth cent Septimo tenth, canteens iunii, Indicione Decima. Placuit atque convenit Inter Ardericum, Filium quondam Auberti, et Donumdeum, filium quondam reversal, consanguineous and abiatic quondam Obizonis Rainaldi de civitate Laude, nec non et domnum Girardum, abatem monasterii Sancti Petri de loco Cereto... ".

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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