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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Sbrolla has a stump in Porto Sant'Elpidio and Fermo in Ascolano and one very small in Rome, Sbrolli has a log in the Senese in Abbadia San Salvatore and especially in Piancastagnaio, and a stump in Rome, Sbrollini has a Marche strain in Potenza Picena in Macerata, Senigallia and Montemarciano in Anconetano and Mondolfo in the urbinate, and presences in the Salernitano, should derive from nicknames based on the archaic Italian term sbrollare (make bleak, despoil, Denudare), in turn derived from the alteration of Latin word experulare, term explained by Ludovico Antonio Muratori (1672-1750) in his dissertations: "... The Modenesi do not say bleak, but Sbrollo, born from Sbrollare, signatory Nudare Substantiis, Vestibus, EC. This verb did not, however, be founded by Perula or Pera de ' Pellegrini. He'il be amazed who reads it. Rite celebrated in the old centuries of those who went on pilgrimage, was to take the pear (today's saddlebag, Pocket, Scarsella, Saccoccia)... ".

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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